parshat Ki Tetze

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SacksThe Limits of Love
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
  • Sacks.jpg
    To the Third and Fourth Generations
    Covenant and Conversation - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
  • Fulfilling Parashat Zachor on Ki Teitzei
    I heard a chumra that during a leap year, with 13 months between readings of Parashat Zachor, one should have in mind to fulfill the mitzva of zechirat Amalek during the reading of those p’sukim in Ki Teitzei. Should I do that (shuls do not usually announce it)?
  • Is there a Way to Permit Ribbit (Usury)?
    The Torah relates to loans as an act of chesed and demands of all who can to lend to those in need, as part of a Jewish life, which is based on charity and justice.
  • It's Not What You Say...
    Apparently, the Chafetz Chaim zt'l, was not a brilliant orator, however, he was extremely compelling to listen to. What gave him this power?"
  • Against Hate
    Ki Teitse contains more laws than any other parsha in the Torah, and it is possible to be overwhelmed by this embarrass de richesse of detail. One verse, however, stands out "Do not despise an Edomite, because he is your brother. Do not despise the Egyptian, because you were a stranger in his land."
  • The Parent & Child Reunion
    Which Mitzvot in the Torah promise long life as a reward?” Most answer, Kibud Av v’Ame & Shiluach Hakeyn. That’s right, but it’s also wrong! There is a third Mitzva, found in our Sedra, which also promises arichat yamim, the requirement to have honest weights & just measures.
  • Finding Our Power & Channeling It
    "When you go out to war against your enemies…" Going to battle means "going out," leaving our regular routine and habits. The Torah educates us to gentle behavior, to making concessions, and certainly not to kill – under normal circumstances. But in wartime, killing Israel's enemies is a mitzvah, and requires one to become nearly a different person, one with great strength and aggressiveness. These are traits that can cause a person to lose the proper balance...
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